Saturday, August 8, 2009

All The Work Paid Off In The End.. But Without The Seniors I Wouldnt Reach The Top..Thanks To You All...

My probation ended at the 6th of july 2009 when My KP,Yeo Sze Kai announced that we were all chosen to be in the prefectorial board of SMK. ST. Thomas ... we were thrille by the announcement while there are some who coldnt accept the fact that they are in the the Annual Group Meeting Done By the Prefects, we were briefed on the forms and actions that need to be taken.. when being a full fledged prefect... we then ended the meeting by greet the seniors to have a happy retirement as a prefect of St eyes was almost bursting into tears but as a man, tears shows i did let even one tear fell from my cheeks..i just want to say that thank you so much for guiding us through the months and HAPPY RETIREMENT TO YOU ALL AND BEST OF LUCK FOR UR STUDIES...LONG LIVE ST THOMAS!!!!!!!!!!!


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