Sunday, November 22, 2009 0 comments

Hah...Man It was fun...

hurmm.... its been a long time since i wrote to my blog....but then... i was so excited...its like i remembered it to happen just like yesterday....haha...My camping trip for the prefects...WHAT A was held at Kem Alapong Lundu.. Which took two hours by bus from Kuching...I really tell u.. its an unforgettable experience....we arrived there with smiling faces.. but its was that was the beginning...we started singing the national anthem...and sailing the flag of malaysia and sarawak.. when suddenly.. one of the facilitators...suddenly screamed at me and asked "Ko Ingat Lawak Ker ?"i was standing in awe when he suddenly pointed at friend also at me and also were a bit confused... and in our minds.. this is going to be an excruciating experience....then we were briefed upon our activities at the camp..then...we were divided into groups which are classified by colours... i was in the red team... which we call Team HURRICANE...Nice name right? we then were given a few task to be done A.S.A.P. and the first time in my life when i slept for only 30 minutes(My Goodness!)my eyes were bruised like a panda...just because we were showing our teamwork and dont want to let down each other hopes....but in the end .. it was done... then the worst thing is that we have to adjust ourselves...because our watch was taken away...and also our torchlight...just try to imagine...and the funny part is that.. the watch there always shows at 9 oclock...quite funny when...a friend asks...hey Hadri ,"Whats the time now"? Nine.

We then had to do some outdoor activities were will push our stamina to the limits... we started off with our morning exercise and thye worst part... we forgot our Fish which was given to us at the briefing...itwas one of our respnsibilities which were given to us to take care of those things.. and we were punished...We were told to do The Kuih Gulung.if i want to know the kuih gulung is done by rolling ur self several times lying on the ground..which in our condition...The beach.... my god... all of us just finished changing our clothes...and it was all in vain.. almost wanted to cry...fuuh....then one of the best moments when we did an activity called The Holy Rod...for the first time i managed to crawl through a barbed wire,as u can see up there... i was reaaly exhausted that day.....then at night we held a talent nite where we had to sing, dance,act,and becoming a poet..

at the last day.. we all were sad to leave the camp because.. we learnt a lot of new things...and in the end... we won almost all of the challenges throughout the camp..a lot of people found their true self such as My SSp for Group Two... Mark Ding Wan... he changed A lot i tell u...he from a silent person became a joker...which we all were very surprised...i couldnt forget the facilitators which have guided me.. especially Cikgu Ishaq He was also an Old Thomian Which Graduated In The Year 2004..He was the one who punished us an also guided us in our activities..we even became best friends... he also invited me to come again and be one of the in training facilitators and played bowling....i thank him for that...i hope to go there again one day.. we went there feeling very sorrow... and exhausted...just hope we can spend more time there...

i think that is all.. ill be writing more soon...If i have the time... so...Tally Ho!...
Thursday, August 27, 2009 0 comments

Quotes From Tendou Souji

Walking the path of heaven, the man who will rule everything.
Make the world revolve around you. It's more fun to think that way.
When people love others, they become weaker, but it is nothing to be ashamed of. True weakness lies elsewhere.
When not close by, one is even closer.
Chase two birds, and you catch two birds.
People who steal things, lose something even more important.
It is enjoyable to eat something delicious, but the greatest joy is the time spent waiting for it.
If you wish it to be so, luck will always be on your side.
Flowers can make any girl glow.
All girls are equally beautiful.
A knife can only bring happiness when used in cooking.
Fancy flavors cannot hide poor cooking.
It is fun to add a secret flavor so that no one knows. But... it's more fun to find it.
The whisper of the devil can sometimes sound like an angel's voice.
One that drowns in oneself will eventually fall to darkness.
Even if the world were full of enemies, there is someone you must protect.
If you receive a little kindness, give them a large serving.
Imitating others is not bad, for it is to recognize ourselves.
Once you know the real thing... you won't be fooled by an imitation.
Children are treasures. The greatest sin in this world is to damage those treasures.
During meals an angel descends, for it is a sacred time.
There are two things men must not do. One is to not make girls cry...The other is to not handle food crudely!
The sun is wonderful, it can make even the dirt shine.
Life is a long path to a goal. Drop your heavy luggage and enjoy walking with your hands empty.
Men must be cool. Boiling water is but vapor.
The wishes of the children are the future reality...Adults that laugh at such dreams are no longer human.
A bond is a deep connection that cannot be broken. Even if apart, heart and heart are connected.
My evolution is faster than the light. Nothing in the whole universe can keep up with my evolution.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 0 comments

hmmm at last.....a prefect....

hah ... i was only chosen as an emcee and was transferred in group three ..whre there was me,haziq and nazmi...hahaha we wouldnt stop laughing when carrying out our sp's are kelvin and ian....and my SSP... which we call Super Senior Prefect...(hahahahahha!)is none of other my friend John Mark.... i just finished making my blazer and unfortunately the colour was too was like the st mary's blazer ...haha... like my friend zainudin used to say..."What A DRAGGG".....
Saturday, August 8, 2009 0 comments

All The Work Paid Off In The End.. But Without The Seniors I Wouldnt Reach The Top..Thanks To You All...

My probation ended at the 6th of july 2009 when My KP,Yeo Sze Kai announced that we were all chosen to be in the prefectorial board of SMK. ST. Thomas ... we were thrille by the announcement while there are some who coldnt accept the fact that they are in the the Annual Group Meeting Done By the Prefects, we were briefed on the forms and actions that need to be taken.. when being a full fledged prefect... we then ended the meeting by greet the seniors to have a happy retirement as a prefect of St eyes was almost bursting into tears but as a man, tears shows i did let even one tear fell from my cheeks..i just want to say that thank you so much for guiding us through the months and HAPPY RETIREMENT TO YOU ALL AND BEST OF LUCK FOR UR STUDIES...LONG LIVE ST THOMAS!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 2, 2009 2 comments

Again And Again And Again.. Just Like A Circle...

Ladies and gentlemen...why do always judge people...???that question must be running through mind now...occasionally.. we judge people through their look... but the saying dont judge A book by its cover must be compromised because people dont look what they MEANT TOBE.. BUT MOST OF THE PEOPLE....ESPECIALLY FRIENDS...They tend to judge by our wrongdoings....
Thursday, July 30, 2009 0 comments

Hmm...Just Try to think...

i just went to The Hospital Sentosa located At seventh Mile there.. I was touched by The harmony of the place and the peacefulness there... sometimes... there are people who think they are not crazy.. but actually......THEY ARE CRAZY!!This can be proved by an observation i made.. when i got to the place we found a patient... His name was thomas.. and to our surprise.... he was an ex thomian...he was a lawyer actually.. sadly he was.. diagnosed with severe depression.. he now becomes one of the residents of the Hospital Sentosa... I would never thought that someone as a adjourned lawyer can be seen there... but the people there was very friendly.. and the best part was i and my senior Syukri...celebrated our birthday with all the other residents who was born in the month of was an unforgettable experience.....hahha..
Thursday, July 16, 2009 1 comments

Nice WEEK....

had a patriotic singing competition...and we were the only group who performed an english song..hhahahha just hope we won...and still carrying on with my duty as a trainee prefect... they say your ear must be a few inches thick so that u can endure the nagging and scolding...of the senior prefects of course... In And OUt of the class A non - stop experience.....But the sad thing was my trip to damai was cancelled.. DAMN!!!...just becuse it was the rainforest music festival... waaa....good thing.. there was a new friend i met and she started to come in my life.. and made my day bright and sunny....ha.. This is the life......hmmm ok thats all from me...Bye Bye....
Thursday, July 9, 2009 1 comments

HMMM....First Day As A Prefect....

went up early as 5.30 am.. omg the agony of waking up early...had to rush to the school immediately because.. had a meeting at 7 sharp.. man that sucks... good thing i came in early.. the seniors were also almost the same time of arrival..started my duty at 7.10and ended at 7.25 like that or so... did my duty at the canteen ... (what a place!Bored to death...No action At ALL... my GODD)just becoming patient with these challenges because i promised someone when I got in the prefectorial board i would change for the better,, ok thats all 4 today.. oh one more thing.. thanks fara for becoming my follower..hahahehehuhu.. bye...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 0 comments

AH.. THE day Im BEing A prefect Again...

humm just cant wait for being a traineee prefect.. at SMK st thomas... Just Hoping The best from Myself... I still Remember the first time i was being atrainee Of the prefects but that was in Form 1... Itt was very lenient that Day...
you can do anything you want at that time.. but this time.. No more MR. NIce guy If you know what i mean.... WELll wish me luck will always be with me.. and i dont get into mischief during the three week probation as a trainee prefect...
Sunday, July 5, 2009 0 comments

hah... It Then Started....

Hmm..... my first blog post....what should i write in here....Ok thenn Hi THere!!!!!!!! TH name's Hadri B. Omar Or you can call me HBO or What soever you like... IM' 16.( At this 24 july to be exact) and Youre free To see My my blog anytime anywhere or at anyplace....