Thursday, July 9, 2009

HMMM....First Day As A Prefect....

went up early as 5.30 am.. omg the agony of waking up early...had to rush to the school immediately because.. had a meeting at 7 sharp.. man that sucks... good thing i came in early.. the seniors were also almost the same time of arrival..started my duty at 7.10and ended at 7.25 like that or so... did my duty at the canteen ... (what a place!Bored to death...No action At ALL... my GODD)just becoming patient with these challenges because i promised someone when I got in the prefectorial board i would change for the better,, ok thats all 4 today.. oh one more thing.. thanks fara for becoming my follower..hahahehehuhu.. bye...


KakCikKemetot said...

hooh...janji mesti ditunaikan...weyh...baru probation pengawas larh my dear.

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