Saturday, September 25, 2010 0 comments

Haha. Aishiteruyo...(I Love You.)

when we talk about love.what is love?love is a feeling of comfort when youre with a person.. we never noe when it comes and when it will leave you....thats the bad points of love,getting dump sure is a hurtful feeling. but always remember"there are many fishes in the sea". but sometimes we cant wait for love and we have to grasp it before it goes away...

there are many types of love...monkey triangle.and many more. just that i dont noe whjat to call lets see..when you ask me about love.haha.. youre just making me look like a fool. ive always been in love but ive never experienced love before.. most people dont believe that because they see i always hang out with girls but the truth is,theyre just my not lying.its true. theyre just friends...idono why... i can be a matchmaker(a good one of course!)but ironically,i cant match make myself.why?i dont know.. ive tried a lot of ways but it doesnt seem to work out.. maybe god said its still not the time for me to experience love and maybe he wants me to focus on studies.... well then.. like they say...the right time will sure come....and also the malays used to say...'kalau dah jodoh tu takkan ke mana...'should be practiced always because its true,rich,poor,healthy,sick,life,death,its all determined by Allah S.W.T.Wallahualam.So Until Then.G'nite Mate!
Friday, September 24, 2010 0 comments

Its Been A While.

Hallo Bloggers.. Its Been A While Since I wrote here... time really flies.. who knew im already 17 and im gonna finish school in just emm... 7 week!!!??? oh my god! 7 weeks??? im gonna miss you guys.. a lot sweet and bitter memories i have gone through and i never thought it would end this fast... i really think that i changed a lot this sisters changed me inside out by scolding and guiding me through these years...I Love my sisters so much!

well,on to my topic...THE Yo-Yo. Im sure Youve Heard of it.. well,who doesnt?it a toy that has been ages played.. even people in their 80's still play this toy.. it really is intriguing to see that toy to be played from the long ages.. up to now.. it really gives us an effect that we humans can evolve but still keep its they say;Life is a yo-yo, and mankind ties knots in the string
