Wednesday, September 21, 2011 0 comments

Are You?

Well these few recent days i have not been my self. being moody and nonchalant was all i did.and a few people are starting to get mad by me. Why? the question lies deep in my heart. (even though the fact that in just speaking to my blog -_-) i still cant trust you.. My lecturer asks me; Hadri, are you ok? well of course i'd say i'm ok. who wouldn't? i'm not the type who shares problem with my lectures, let a lone my friends.BUT THE MAIN QUESTION IS; ARE YOU OKAY?

PS: Mind The Photo Ok. It's Just An Illustration. :D
Tuesday, September 20, 2011 0 comments

MY Favourite. ^ ^

HEy There Bloggers, Just Wanted To Drop By Saying Hi.

Well, Anyways. i got something to share here.ever heard of anime or japanese animation?well,  i have a special anime that i have fell in love since i was in my high school days...The Anime Titled; Honey And Clover  is a about a college student,Yuuta Takemoto. He goes into an Art College  and he goest trough a lot of conflict while graduating.The best part of this Anime is that the quotes offered by the anime itself. Here is a collection of the quotes;

◦But I realized why I was lost... It's not because I don't have a map... It's because I don't have a destination...
Takemoto Yuuta (Honey and Clover)

◦When I was little, I didn't understand why ferris wheels existed.
They were just sluggish and went up high. I got bored with it after only one ride.
The roller coaster and the loop slider... I only paid attention to the thrilling rides.
But... I kind of understand now. Ferris wheels are for slowly cutting across the sky with the person you like and maybe saying things like, "Isn't this a little scary?".
(Honey and Clover)

◦I'd been wondering whether there is a meaning to a failed love... Is something that disappeared the same as something that never existed? But now I now there is---There was a meaning right here.. Because despite the heartbreak, i'm still glad that i fell in love with you.
Takemoto Yuta (Honey and Clover

"...when I was little...I was out riding my brand-new blue bicycle...when I decided to see how far I could keep going...without looking back even once.
I could feel with my back how my neighborhood was receding...further and further away...but I kept pedaling with all my might, my mind almost going blank. All I could hear was the sound of my own heart...thumping wildly in my ears. Even now, I remember it sometimes. What exactly...was I trying to do that day? What was it...that I wanted to prove...?'s no good. My mind just keeps fogging over. I have this irritating sound stuck in my head. What is it? This sound... Ohh. I know what it is.
This is... the sound of emptiness."

"Christmas always used to get me down. There was something oppressive about all those twinkling colored lights.
"Are you happy?" "Do you fit in anywhere?" what it felt like they were asking me."

” It’s quiet and has a nonchalant feeling. But there’s a little excitement in the air. That’s right… It’s spring.. ”

Well There You Have IT. A Collection of  Quotes By The Anime. So Why Not You watch it?
Friday, September 16, 2011 0 comments


Hm.. lets just say i've been busy, so i haven't had the time to write about my life here in this blog... Well, KPM changed me a lot,from the way i talk. to the way i walk, and to the way i treat people also.Why? Because Characters make the world, don't they ;)? so lets just stick to this principal.Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Will Never Hurt Me. I have been holding on to that quotes for quite some time now... But it never let me down in my times of need, that's why i keep holding onto it.. people always say,if in a fight, if you fight back, you're just bound to be like that person... But what makes that person to fight back? is the temptation? Or is the provocation? Well that, is for you to decide.

This Post Is Dedicated to you  Loser. yeah you.. no, not  you, but the guy there.. yeah2 that prick.Who? Leit it just be a secret ok ;) Ciao. and oh by the way, how do i look? cool aint it? haha~
Saturday, July 30, 2011 0 comments

Here We Go.

Well. Im Truly Sorry For Not Posting At All.why? I'm Busy. Ok.That's Enough,Straight To The Point. Still Remember The Last Post About My SPM results?here's the sequel of it,

Hehe.Thanks To Allah S.W.T. for granting my prayers where i could further my studies in is unbearably sad that i had to leave my family and friends due to my decision.I'm sure youre wondering where did i continue my studies to.Well, It's located in Kuantan, Pahang.The College is called, MPCIM for short.or for long, Mara Professional College Indera Mahkota.

Well Life here is a swell,where i seem to find a conclusion on the concept, You Lead, You Follow, Or You Get Out Of The Way. yeah that's just the right words to say here by the concept of MPCIM.I was at first a bit sceptical continuing my studies here. but what the heck,just go for it. because it may be the only chance for me to further my study in English.(seriously,its my only chance,) so i had to go through it no matter what and here i am, in MPCIM or KPMIM,Kolej Profesional Mara Indera Mahkota.

well lets cut to the chase.Im scik im happy, and im homesick( a bit lah) but all the while i kinow that im here for a purpose. a purpose to change who i used to be. people tend to think that im a person whose very strong and cold hearted. theyre actually wrong. very2 wrong.. at MPCIM, this the place where you find your enemies, your true friends, and also your love life(more or less) but for me, i'd rather go and stab myself from the back rather than being stabbed by a friend so here we go. a journey of three exhilarating and excruciatng years to come where we will experience blood sweat and tears throughout this journey to the sucessing life.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011 0 comments


hey im back Yeah man.. like i said. i never abandon my blog. people always say that life is short. thats what we're going to tolk tonite. i mean this morning.. going through life has many challenges.we as human beings need to adapt.if we are unable to do so.and thats where the weak get kicked down to the grund and the strong retains its post. the obstacle such as currently happenning to me now. SPM. the Dreadful,most feard.. chilling to the spine SPM.Well At 9.45 in a wednesday morning.i arrived at SMK St Thomas.Where People Gathered. Ah Lets Cut To The Chase Ok. I Got 3A's,2C's,2D's And 2G's(Add Maths And Chemistry Which I hate The Most)ahhaah well i know im not that smart you know.and well yeah let me see where does my results bring me.SPM 2010 numbered SK234A162 ,please lead me To Glory. Amin

Thursday, February 3, 2011 0 comments

Hard Work That Pays Off.

Hard Work That Pays Off.maybe you all are wondering about what im trying to say here.. well when you strive to achieve something,and you have the passion to it,im sure you'll achieve greatnesss,well that can really be applied by my mentor . I treat her like my own mother but in a sense that im her subordinate .. well starting 3rd january ,i worked there diligently,(you sure hadri?haha!)and got the guidance from her sincethen.. well as the days pass by, i realized that Pay Day was around the corner... i was so eager to get the pay because the it was my first pay check an well you know is particular ly a serious matter to me that one day before,i saw a facebook noitification saying that tomorrow would be someone'
s birthday.. i was shocked to see its her birthday on the next day and my friend clinton decided to throw a party for her since she was so good to us right..( haha!)so clinton and i in the afternoon staright went to a bakery shop and ordered a cake..( which was funny!)we desigened the cake with a Kumon Decoration( because she's a Kumon instructorDuhh~)and they made it quite fast and that was settled.

now here comes the best our surprise,kak syikin suddenly told us that she's leaving early today.i was lik 0.0! WAHT??!!!??? SHE'S LEAVING ??
???? #$%^&*&#$%^^&!!!! I WAS SO MAD AND TRIED TO FIND THE REASON FOR IT.(SHE HAD A TOASTMASTER MEETING.=.=") I tried and tried to persuade her to not to go yet she keep on asking why you want me to stay.. i just couldnt answer i just agreed to her decision and followed her to the meeting instead. there i was feeling a bit devastated to the fact that i couldnt sucessfully did the party.. haih... =.= so instead... we did it the next day... then at that day it was quite hectic day .. but in the end .yeah it paid off and a sense of fulfillment could be felt by me. evryone enjoyed the party,(especially the kids). and everyone went home with happpy faces

well time flies and i forgot to say that mentor of mine is none other than my teacher and also currently my
boss,Madam Aini Hj. yusof (haha sorry if called you madam ok ;))well.. she's 3_ years old... haha i wont teall her age lah.. because she's very particular in that id like to say this to you madam Aini, If there's something that you're dreaming of then may it all come true, because you deserve it all...HAPPY BIRTHDAY.-Robert Frost

Happy Birthday Mdam Aini.May God Bless You,And Your Family Always.

Sunday, January 30, 2011 0 comments

Hurm Devastating.

ever wonder why people fall sick?its because they dont take care of them selves. we tend to over do it without thinking the cost of it to our lives.. if we, dont do anything about it. theres no way we can stop the sickness. thats what i cant achieve.i always tend to be the black sheep so most of the always being scolded. but its ok. ill manage. people used to think im the cheerful one.. but the truth is. im very fragile. very2 fragile. i tend to act tough but i do break down and cry. thats why when i try and try to get back up again but i just cant.. people dont see the way i see things.thats why. i just want a normal subtle that so hard to ask for.hurm....