Tuesday, September 20, 2011

MY Favourite. ^ ^

HEy There Bloggers, Just Wanted To Drop By Saying Hi.

Well, Anyways. i got something to share here.ever heard of anime or japanese animation?well,  i have a special anime that i have fell in love since i was in my high school days...The Anime Titled; Honey And Clover  is a about a college student,Yuuta Takemoto. He goes into an Art College  and he goest trough a lot of conflict while graduating.The best part of this Anime is that the quotes offered by the anime itself. Here is a collection of the quotes;

◦But I realized why I was lost... It's not because I don't have a map... It's because I don't have a destination...
Takemoto Yuuta (Honey and Clover)

◦When I was little, I didn't understand why ferris wheels existed.
They were just sluggish and went up high. I got bored with it after only one ride.
The roller coaster and the loop slider... I only paid attention to the thrilling rides.
But... I kind of understand now. Ferris wheels are for slowly cutting across the sky with the person you like and maybe saying things like, "Isn't this a little scary?".
(Honey and Clover)

◦I'd been wondering whether there is a meaning to a failed love... Is something that disappeared the same as something that never existed? But now I now there is---There was a meaning right here.. Because despite the heartbreak, i'm still glad that i fell in love with you.
Takemoto Yuta (Honey and Clover

"...when I was little...I was out riding my brand-new blue bicycle...when I decided to see how far I could keep going...without looking back even once.
I could feel with my back how my neighborhood was receding...further and further away...but I kept pedaling with all my might, my mind almost going blank. All I could hear was the sound of my own heart...thumping wildly in my ears. Even now, I remember it sometimes. What exactly...was I trying to do that day? What was it...that I wanted to prove...?

...it's no good. My mind just keeps fogging over. I have this irritating sound stuck in my head. What is it? This sound... Ohh. I know what it is.
This is... the sound of emptiness."

"Christmas always used to get me down. There was something oppressive about all those twinkling colored lights.
"Are you happy?" "Do you fit in anywhere?" ....is what it felt like they were asking me."

” It’s quiet and has a nonchalant feeling. But there’s a little excitement in the air. That’s right… It’s spring.. ”

Well There You Have IT. A Collection of  Quotes By The Anime. So Why Not You watch it?


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